Environmental pollution is a significant cause of global warming, which has threatened every living species on this earth. In an era of heightened commercialism and a capitalist market, one can expect such outcomes. Higher-levels of production in factories and last-mile deliveries are the main and active contributors to environmental pollution. To curb the alarming rise in pollution, technologists have introduced different technologies. These tech solutions are used to curb or eliminate pollution, which is not only harming human health but also causing a risk to the environment. This article will discuss the role of technology in mitigating pollution.
Factors Lead to Increased Pollution
Some of the human-caused factors contributing to increased pollution include:
Industries are the 70% contributors to releasing pollutants every year. Manufacturers are mainly responsible for gas emissions, which are a threat to local ecosystems. For example, heavy metals, poisonous chemicals (dyes or other compounds), and carbon monoxide.
The tech sector contributes 2% to 3% of global gas emissions. For instance, Bitcoin alone is responsible for consuming 0.3% of the world’s energy and is expected to increase in the future. This rate of consumption is equal to the use of energy by Belgium.
Plastic is the biggest threat to the living species on this earth. Litter degrades and releases microparticles. The origins of such chemicals arise and cause problems.
Natural factors include:
- Wildfire
- Oil Seep
- Volcanic Activity
Six Technologies To Mitigate Pollution
Besides releasing only toxic chemicals and rays, technology has its positive side in contributing to environmental wellness. Efforts have been made to create a positive impact on the environment using technology in the most appropriate way. Here are some technologies being used to mitigate pollution. We can also call them ‘smart technology’.
Renewable Energy
Sonia Navarro of Navarro Paving believes renewable energy is the foremost and most obvious technology that comes to mind when we speak about smart energy. Renewable energy, also known as ‘clean energy’, is collected through clean renewable resources like sunlight, rain, waves, or geothermal waves. The adoption of this technology is expensive and a one-time investment. This technology captures energy from these natural resources and converts it into energy using devices like solar panels and turbines. It is expected that 60% of the world’s electricity will be produced using renewable energy by 2030. This will help curb and mitigate pollution.
Direct Air Capture
This tech is emerging but a profound one that pulls out carbon dioxide directly from the air. After years of research, the technology named ‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) promises to capture and pull greenhouse gas emissions from the air. The air is compressed through a filter where CO2 is removed. This technology is suitable to mitigate pollution coming from the exhaust fumes of cars.
Hydrogen Energy
Jessica Shee of iBoysoft said, since we are acquainted with the water formula of hydrogen, we must also enhance our knowledge of the fact that hydrogen is being used to produce energy. Hydrogen is used as a clean energy source that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions when used in combustion engines. The Hydrogen Council has been making efforts to accelerate the use of hydrogen across different sectors in producing energy.
Plastic Recycling
Rich Mullins of H2O Plumbing said, plastic is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Recycling this material helps reduce waste and its adverse impact on the environment and lives of people. Businesses are reducing the use of this material and empowering communities to use cloth or paper packaging in exchange for cash. Also, recycling saves energy and money and reduces the need to produce new products from scratch. The technologies used in the catalytic converter recycling process include mechanical, chemical, and biological recycling, dissolution, and gasification.
Electric Vehicle
James Owen of Click Intelligence shared, electric vehicles are up and running to combat rising environmental pollution. They demonstrate a positive impact of technology on the environment because they do not contribute to the production of carbon emissions. Since the inception of this technology, demand has increased due to its revolutionary properties for reducing air pollution. This technology is clean and does not pose any threat to human, wild, or water life.
Air Quality Sensors
This technology measures and calculates the levels of pollutants in the air. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is measured using air quality sensors, and it helps identify areas with a high level of pollution. When a person knows the air quality, they can take protective measures to combat poor air quality and avoid exposure.
Save Your Planet Now!
We are individually responsible for mitigating pollution and curbing its spread. We cannot entirely blame human-made and natural factors for contributing to the increase in pollution, but we are equal contributors. The business world must consider using smart technologies and leverage the potential of clean energy sources.